Sitting is the new smoking
30th May 2013A great article which highlights an important and under-reported health issue. When you finish reading it, GET UP and MOVE! You know you want to. Read the article HERE
A great article which highlights an important and under-reported health issue. When you finish reading it, GET UP and MOVE! You know you want to. Read the article HERE
Rounded shoulders, forward head carriage and a slumped posture are all signs of chronic postural fatigue. If this has been persisting over time your body will need help to straighten […]
Sedentary lifestyles are at the root of so many postural, physical and mental problems. One of the key muscles groups that suffer is the glutes, particularly Gluteus Maximus. It makes […]
Progressive Chiropractic is pleased to announce the start of morning Yoga classes. WatersEdge Yoga is offering boutique yoga classes in the mornings at the practice. It’s a great way to […]
Last Thursday we hosted an Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea fund raiser for the Cancer Council. It was great success with online and cash donations totalling over $500. Thank you to […]
Download the Glute Bridge PDF The Glute Bridge or Hip Lift is a good exercise to help activate and strengthen the glute muscles. Adding in heel lifts or doing it […]
Funny name, awesome exercise. The dead bug is an excellent way to train your core muscles and help support the lower back and pelvis.
Turn off your gadgets and switch off the lights before you hit the hay.
The Food of the day is not Maccas. It’s the king of Omega 3s, it’s the Mac Daddy of anti-inflammation, brain health and cardiovascular health. Links for recipes at the […]